
ARR Build Invoice Items

Understand the ARR Build Invoice Items view

What it is

This view displays Stripe invoice data in a clean, structured format, breaking out every line item and discount within every invoice, along with any associated ARR contributions, into individual rows.

This view is foundational to the ARR Build Daily by Customer view, which layers on data corrections and exclusions to create a more refined and aggregated view of ARR by customer by day.

Data schema

FieldData typeDescription
TypeVARCHAR(17)Specifies whether a given entry is an invoice line item or discount, helping to distinguish between revenue-generating items and deductions.
Customer IDVARCHAR(256)Unique identifier for each customer as it appears in Stripe. Allows for linking multiple invoices to specific customers.
Customer nameVARCHAR(256)The name associated with the customer as it appears in Stripe.
First payment dateTIMESTAMPDate and time of the customer’s first successful payment, marked as paid in Stripe.
Invoice IDVARCHAR(256)Unique identifier for each invoice as it appears in Stripe. Allows for tracking individual invoices and linking invoices to customer accounts.
Invoice line itemVARCHAR(256)Unique identifier for each line item within an invoice as it appears in Stripe.
Invoice statusVARCHAR(256)Shows whether the invoice is paid, open, or null (not applicable). Allows for tracking of overdue invoices and cash flow analysis.
Product IDVARCHAR(256)Unique identifier for the product associated with an invoice line item. Useful for product-level revenue analysis.
Product nameVARCHAR(256)Descriptive name of the product or service billed.
Invoice quantityNUMBER(38,0)The quantity of each product or service counted within the invoice line item. Important for calculating total billed amount and analyzing volume-based trends.
ProrationBOOLEANIndicates whether the invoice amount is prorated. Relevant for accurately tracking mid-period changes in subscriptions or service levels.
DescriptionVARCHAR(256)Provides additional details about each line item as it appears in Stripe.
Period start dateDATEStart date of the service or billing period for the line item.
Period end dateDATEEnd date of the service or billing period for the line item.
CurrencyVARCHAR(256)The currency used for the invoice.
Price recurringVARCHAR(256)Shows whether the price is part of a recurring subscription. Helpful to distinguish recurring revenue from one-time fees.
AmountFLOATThe billed amount for each line item before any discounts or adjustments. Useful for calculating gross revenue.
Total ARRNUMBER(38,12)The line item’s contribution to Annual Recurring Revenue, as determined by your ARR configuration settings.

How to use it

The ARR Build Invoice Items view provides full visibility over your Stripe invoices, making it easy to track whether invoices have been paid and analyze the impact of discounting on revenue, among other analyses.

Example: Track payment status by customer

Run the starter query below to quickly identify unpaid invoices for a given customer, including the associated invoice amounts.

select customer_id  
     , invoice_id  
     , invoice_status  
     , period_start_date  
     , period_end_date  
     , sum(amount) as amount  
where invoice_status != 'unpaid'  
group by all  
limit 100

Example: Analyze discounting trends

Track the amount of discounting across customers to evaluate the impact of discounts on revenue and assess whether your promotional strategies are meeting business goals.

To get started, run the starter query below. The output will display invoice and discount amounts by customer for each reporting period. From here, you can use SUMIFS formulas to look at the data in a number of ways, including:

  • Identify customers with the highest discount amounts
  • Compare total discounts to total invoice amounts to calculate the discount-to-invoice ratio
  • Track discount amounts by month or quarter to identify trends over time
  • Sum total invoice amounts with and without discounts to assess the impact of discounts on revenue
select customer_id  
     , customer_name  
     , invoice_id  
     , period_start_date  
     , sum(case when type = 'invoice_line_item' then amount end) as invoice_amount  
     , sum(case when type = 'discount' then amount end) as discount_amount  
group by 1,2,3,4  
limit 100