

Connect your company's Stripe account to Equals

To connect your Stripe account to Equals you need to create an API key within the Stripe admin dashboard.

  1. To get started head to the Stripe API Keys page.
  2. Click "Create Restricted Key" in the "Restricted Keys" section.
  3. Name your key Equals and grant Read access to All core resources, All Billing resources, and All Connect resources. Note: even if you don't use all of these Stripe features, set up will fail without access.
  4. Click Create Key. You may need to enter your password at this step.
  5. Once created, Stripe will show you the key in a modal. Copy this value and paste it into Equals.

Once you've connected to your Stripe instance, you'll be able to build analyses and dashboards powered by live Stripe data, straight from your Equals workbook.

We also offer support for custom-built Stripe ARR reporting with Equals Experts — for more information, reach out to us via the Intercom messenger or at