Example Javascript code for importing issues from Github
You can use Import Scripts to import issues from your Github account directly into an Equals workbook.
Create a Github personal access token
Follow the instructions here to create a Github personal access token. Your token needs the repo scope.
Add the key to a secret group
Copy the access token from the prior step. Then create a new secret group and paste the key into a new secret named github_pk. Create a second secret in the same group called github_username with the username that created the key.
Example code
Once you've completed the prior steps, create a new workbook, add a new import script to a sheet and copy + paste the script below. Once pasted select your secret group in the toolbar (make sure the key in the secret group is called github_pk). Update the REPO constant to the Github repo you want to pull issues from – it should include the name of the organization or user that owns the repo, followed by a slash, and the name of the repo.
const equals = require("equals");
const axios = require("axios");
const REPO = "ExampleOrg/example_app";
const FIRST_PAGE = `${REPO}/issues?state=all&per_page=100`;
const MAX_PAGES = 10;
const LINK_REGEX = /<(.*)>; rel="(\w+)"/;
const parseLinkHeader = (linkHeader) => {
const parsed = {};
const links = linkHeader.split(",");
links.forEach((link) => {
const [,url,name] = link.match(LINK_REGEX);
parsed[name] = url;
return parsed;
const getIssues = async () => {
let issues = [];
let nextPage = FIRST_PAGE;
let i = 0;
while(nextPage && i < MAX_PAGES) {
const resp = await axios({
method: "get",
auth: {
username: equals.getSecret("github_username"),
password: equals.getSecret("github_pk")
nextPage = parseLinkHeader(;
issues = issues.concat(;
i += 1;
return issues;
const issues = await getIssues();
equals.addHeaders(["number", "title", "user", "state", "closed at", "created at"]);
for(const issue of issues) {
if(issue.pull_request) {
Updated 3 months ago