Datasources FAQ
Learn how we keep your connection details secure and manage data access
Data security
How do you keep my credentials secure?
All sensitive credentials (password, SSH private key, connection strings, OAuth tokens, etc.) are stored encrypted in the database. The credentials are encrypted with a key only accessible to the necessary production servers.
Do you connect from a static IP?
We will always connect from this static IP address:
What access do you have to my data?
SQL databases
To pull data from your databases our servers necessarily have the ability to run queries against your database, and to show you the results of those queries, any data you pull is stored in our databases. However, we never access any of your data without advance permission from you on a case-by-case basis. e.g. to debug an issue you’re having.
Other datasources
Our other datasources are powered by Fivetran. Fivetran syncs connected datasources to a data warehouse we maintain. Access to this store is restricted on an as needed basis to the appropriate production servers. Customer data is segregated with unique credentials per datasource, per customer.
What security certifications do you have?
Equals is SOC 2 Type II certified. We also complete regular pen tests.
Equals uses Fivetran's extensive library of data connectors to power our non-SQL connectors like Stripe, Salesforce, Hubspot, etc. Fivetran sit between the connected service (e.g. Stripe) and our database. They are the leading provider of this software (called "ETL") working with everyone from small companies to Fortune 500s.
Why do you work with Fivetran?
By working with Fivetran we get access to hundreds of prebuilt connectors. This lets us focus on building the best spreadsheet.
What does Fivetran get access to?
Fivetran stores credentials to connected datasources on our behalf. They use best-in-class security to keep these safe. Some of your data may be temporarily stored on Fivetran's servers in transit but is purged as soon as no longer needed, typically within 8 hours. You can learn more in Fivetran's docs.
What does Equals get access to?
Fivetran syncs connected datasources to a data warehouse we maintain. Access to this store is restricted on an as needed basis to the appropriate production servers. Customer data is segregated with unique credentials per datasource, per customer.
Why are these integrations paid?
There is a meaningful cost to us to both processing the data, as well as storing it.
What is the fair use policy?
We reserve the right to pause syncing of any Fivetran powered datasources. We may do this in cases where the amount of data being synced is significantly above average. In this case we will reach out to you to discuss custom pricing for your connection.
Updated 3 months ago