

Organize workbooks and saved queries with folders

Folders allow you to organize your workbooks and saved queries, and share them with your workspace or with specific teammates.

Creating folders

Folders you have access to, whether they were created by you or shared with you or your workspace, will automatically appear in your workspace sidebar.

To create a folder, select the New button in the top right corner of your Home and select Folder. Then, give your new folder a name.

You can move workbooks, saved queries, or subfolders into folders. To move any object into a folder, simply drag and drop it into the destination folder in your sidebar. Or, you can select Move from the menu next to any object in your workspace, and then select the destination folder.)

Folder permissions and sharing

There are 3 levels of access for folders:

  1. Must be invited: Only you (or teammates that you individually invite to the folder) can view, modify, delete, or set access levels on the folder or its contents. By default, your folder is set to Must be invited.
  2. Read Only: Users in your workspace can view the folder and its contents, but cannot modify them. For queries that are stored in folders, users can run the query but cannot modify it.
  3. Edit: Users in your workspace can view, modify, delete, or set access levels on the folder and its contents. They can also move objects in and out of folders.

To share access to a folder and its contents, select the menu to the right of the folder, then click Share. Or, click in to the folder and hit the Share button in the top right corner of the page.

Here, you can set permissions for your entire workspace, or invite specific teammates to the folder and set their permissions individually. Viewers of your workspace cannot be invited to edit a folder, although they can be granted read only access.

By default, the permissions on workbooks, queries, or subfolders that are stored inside a folder (the “root” folder) will match the permissions of that root folder. By inviting users to a folder, you are granting them access to that folder's contents.

Moving an object into a root folder updates its existing permissions to match those of your root folder. This means that teammates who were invited to the object but not to the root folder will lose access to that object.

To invite a teammate to an object stored inside a root folder, you’ll need to invite them to the root folder itself. To do this, click on ‘Update’ to open the permissions for the root folder, then invite your teammate via email and set their access level.


What happens if I delete a folder?

If you delete a folder, all of the contents inside the folder will be deleted. To restore folders and contents that were mistakenly deleted, contact us at

Can I individually share access to an object that is stored in a folder?

Currently, access levels on objects stored inside folders cannot be individually adjusted. To invite a teammate to an object stored in a folder, you'll need to invite them to the folder itself.

Can I share edit access to folder for someone who is a Guest or Viewer of my workspace?

Viewers of your workspace cannot be invited to edit a folder. Guests can be invited to edit specific folders, but they will remain a Guest of your workspace more generally.