Building dashboards

Transform your spreadsheet analysis into a live dashboard

Every Equals workbook has a built-in dashboard, which makes it possible to instantly turn any analysis into a live report that can be automatically distributed on a custom schedule. To access your dashboard, navigate to the Dashboards sheet included in every Equals workbook.

Creating dashboards

To create a dashboard:

  1. Build out an analysis in your workbook. Then, click on the Dashboard sheet in the workbook.
  2. Add headers (H1, H2) and sentences (paragraph) from the upper toolbar in the dashboard. Click on the + icon when hovering under a block (like Notion) to add another text block directly beneath it.
  3. Click on the toolbar or + icon to add individual cells, tables (ranges of cells), and charts from your workbook to the dashboard. These objects will refresh based on any scheduled queries in the workbook.
  4. Resize any object in your dashboard by clicking and dragging the border, and re-order by dragging and dropping to a new location.
  5. You can add AI-generated summaries to your dashboard by clicking the + icon, selecting AI Summary, and selecting all the tables or charts you would like to summarize. You can refresh summaries at any time by clicking the dropdown next to AI Summary and selecting Re-generate.

Types of dashboards

The world is your oyster. Here are a few examples we prepared earlier.

Marketing Funnel

Business Daily Pulse

Sales Pipeline

Customer Retention

Cash Burn


How much do dashboards cost?

Dashboards are included in all current pricing plans.

Can I have more than one dashboard in a workbook?

No, Equals workbooks are designed such that sharing data across workbooks is easy. For this reason, each workbook should be a deep dive into one subject. Every workbook gets one dashboard, but you can import data from one workbook into another workbook if you'd like to use that information in another dashboard.

Can I share access to the dashboard only?

Yes, you can open the Share modal in the upper right-hand of your workbook and grant "Can view dashboard" only access. This means that users will not have access to workbook sheets or edit ability but will be able to see the dashboard.

How often do AI-generated summaries update?

Whenever your underlying charts and tables are set to refresh, the AI summary will refresh as well.